
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Networking Friends on Facebook

Facebook friends, who are they?
Facebook friends, who are they?
 I just got this off a friend's Facebook wall and I couldn't but laugh till I almost got choked.

Friendship on Facebook can be good, great and very great0. In real life,  once you categorise someone as "My Friends", it is expected that you know much about them, but with the Social networking now the orther of the day, friends come and friends go.

It become easy to have thousands of "Friends" both the ones you know, have seen before and the unseen, unknown ones. It becomes easy to unfriend a friends. Some do it to raise their profile, so that they wont be the only ones left out, or to make come connections (business or otherwise).
Facebook Friends turns to subscribers
Friends turns to subscribers

The story now goes this way:

on a busy day, in a heavy traffic, a lovely looking woman saw a figure standing close to her, she was very sure she has met the figure somewhere before, so she summoned the courage to ask.

The woman beckoned on the man - a begger who was by her side to come closer, when the man approached her car, the following conversation ensured:

Woman: Your face looks familiar, I think I have seen you before.
Beggar: <<Laughs out very loud>> and said "Madam we are friends on facebook"

You better make sure you know who your Facebook or other social network site friends are. Let me leave you for now till you finish your laughter!!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Love-The Surprise Of Life

Her boyfriend was all the talks she knows about. The only current affairs in her linguistic dictionary was how powerfully connected her boyfriend is, and how very BIG his house is. 

She holds him to a very high esteem, talks about him at every possible space she gets. She has been bragging about him to all her girlfriends – he is so rich, generous, caring and handsome.

One day, she informed all her girlfriends that her top short boyfriend was visiting. The next evening, everyone was high in expectation, and as described, the boyfriend cam, looking very hawwwt, tantalising, brandishing a good write watch, great neck chain, in fact he was truly good looking.

Regrettable, the affluent, dashing young man came with a loaf of the local bread – AGEGE BREAD as a gift to his beloved girlfriend.

The girl was demoralised, dejected, with a feel of disappointment and furious anger, she threw the loaf of bread at him, while heaping him with unprintable about of insults in the full glimpse of her friends and people around.

Embittered, the young man took the AGEGE BREAD, sliced it into two, and behold to the amazement of everyone present, behold a shining piece of work – A CAR KEY and glittering ENGAGEMENT RING fell out of the loaf.
  • Now if you are the young man, what would you do? 
  • Assuming you are the lady in questing, what would be your reaction? 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Airplane Crash Victim Saved By His Mistress

Airplanes - the fastest means of travel
The fastest means of travel
Sometimes in life, many things happen for us to either learn from it or, just to prove a point. But other things happen and you wonder what really the point or reason for such phenomenal occurrences are for.

Imagine if this was the situation you found yourself. what exactly would be your reaction.

A married father of 4 have been planning a trip from Abuja to Lagos State, Nigeria for months now. He has concluded where his "Business trip" would be, he needed no Nigerian Visa, because he is a Full Nigerian. and where he is coming from and going to, has no need of a Nigerian Visa.

On that faithful morning, he gathered all his documents and clothes and hurriedly asked the wife to drop him off to the airport.

Once the wife left, he gave himself a little time, then took the next available taxi to the "Business Meeting venue" - the house of his mistress.

The following morning, as she was relaxing at home, she was suddenly woken up by series of phone calls about the "Breaking News on the television" She couldn't bear the news when she heard it. It was like the ground was opening and about to swallow her. The news on the television was that the airplane the husband "boarded" has crash landed.

The man of her dreams, the only man who swept her feet off the ground and made her a complete woman. The man that she adores and loves so much. The only man who has taken her to the clouds and back again, landing safely. The only man who has made her feel what is called Loved; this man has been swept off by the wicked hands of death. Where will she begin from, how can she cope, death has broken her fragile heart, life has dealt her a strong blow.

She couldn't bear the burden alone, so she called the Mother-in-law, the Sisters and everyone she could remember. The whole family was turned into automatic mourning zone.

As arrangement was being made to go to the scene of the accident to identify and claim the body, the door opened and low and behold, the fine gentleman - The father of the house who was supposed to have died in the fetal air crash, walked in.

He started confessing of how he had planned everything and had gone to sleep in the house of his mistress and every other question that no one asked him.

Now if you are the wife, what would you do?
If you are the Mother, what would you do?
If you are the children, what would you tell Daddy?

Developing Your Mind For Greatness

I believe the mind is a field that is not so much tapped, and if truly developed can bring in many wonderful fruits.

There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will. You must have long-range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short-range failures.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on, for according to Moliere,
‎"A wise man is superior to any insult which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation. "-Moliere

Statistics say that 10% of all people won’t like us, so let’s enjoy the 90% who do and stop worrying about the 10% who don’t!

Have a blessed day and please remember that its is important to cultivate the habit of Developing your mind for greatness.

Backpacking? Time to start Parking

Backpacking, Get the groove on!
Backpacking, Get the groove on!
Its that time of the year when everyone wants to go Backpacking, allowable places on your mind. Austrialia in many people's mind.

Both old, young and young at heart, wish to evaluate their time, get packing and off they go. The School year has ended, the time for adventure is now.

Now the Spirit of backpackianism has caught up with me, I constantly have Australia on my mind.

I have the basic things I think I need, most Importantly, I have my head, my brain, my laptop, my camera, my blackberry phone, my iPad and an iphone intact.

I also have some clothes, but lack what it takes to get the gears in order, because I have never backpacked before. So am calling on all backpacking entusiasts, backpacking scholars, backpacking mentors, backpacking fans and all Backpackers to help a-would-be Backpacker out.

  • What do I require to have a safe backpacking trip?
  • Apart from Australia, where are the best hotspot for Backpacking?
  • Any tips on safety while Backpacking?

Thanks for your esteemed Backpacking tips.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Train derelment get passengers distracked

Train on Track
Train on Track
This morning on my sojourn to the next world called work, I looked at my time and it was some mins to my train arrival

Rushing in great anticipation of the begining of what I have come to agree to be a normal day, I luckily made it to the train station as the next train was about pulling into the platform.

Like any antelope, I dashed through the crossing, and was fast enough to catch the train. With the mind of going down the platform for my "normal" coach, and having a time to treat my fingers to the daily blog, I was taken aback by the sight of people and the train coaches scrambling for space.

I had to cling to a small spot on my favourite last coach, but not on "my seat" but standing up. I wish I had enough energy to squeeze through and catch the seat space.

Train the Track
Train the Track
The reason the wonderful well mannered Train Driver gave for the shortness of space was because of a rail derailment at Drogheda train station.

Ohhh there goes my early morning routine, but I was determined to make sure that you - my esteemed readers does not miss a beat on the early morning blog.

So here it is, if you missed the beat, know that am stuck in any over 'bodied' train coach and am writing this blog post through my Blackberry. Lool no wonder Technology has replaced man's best friend.

Have you ever witnessed such a scramble for seat on a short train in a busy morning, get your fingers to the keyboard and give us a shout through the comment box.

My Love for Ireland wax stronger and stronger, because - not even a packed train can change their accommodating Spirit. Yes I am a witness, lets have your say.

My little two cents would be that the electronic notice boards should be used to let customers know that there is a problem before the train arrives at the station. This will help them make decisions on whether to join the squeezed train or wait for the next one.

Let your email find you with BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Even in recession, Tips are essential!

LifeGemz: Food for thoughts
Food for thoughts
On a hot afternoon, with the sun angrily smiling down from the high orbital space, the humans down on Earth perspiring and yarning for something good, nice and cold to drink, eat or savour.

Its only left to the imagination to understand what must have been going through your head when you stumble into a very nice resturant looking round you see good looking faces, nice clothes, great scents oozing off their well shapped bodies. Shoes, clothes, belts, skirts to match with their smiles.

Alass your mind tells you that you have finally entered into a nice cool place, where the heat of the sun can never meet with you to shake your hands and smile at your face.

LifeGemz: A way to any man's heart
A way to any man's heart
A beautuful smiling figure approaches you to ursher you to a well decorated seat, pointing to the side for options of where to seat.

"Come seat near the end, its more beautiful with enough space to feed your eyes!"

Off to the seat beside the window you go, still wondering and waiting in anticipation of what next to come.

Now lets spare you the story of how you ordered your food and how the well manicured fingers delived them at your table, asked you if you needed any more service (still smiling) and gracefully walked away with a huge smile on her face.

LifeGemz: Dinner is Served!
Dinner is Served!
Now all am taking about here is the good customer Service I recieved from a Hotel Resturant (Name witheld until I write a review for them) in Limerick City.

Tell me, if it were you, would you give any tips; or more directly, how much tips would you be willing to leave to those graceful service or smiles.

NB: if you don't answer, that means you are a tips dodger. Loool

Love A Lifetime Venture of Learning

Love is not destroyed by a single failure or won by a single caress. It is a lifetime venture in which we are always learning, discovering and growing.

The greatest irony of love is letting go when you need to hold on and holding on when you need to let go. We lose someone we love only when we are destined to find someone else who can love us even more than we can love ourselves.

On falling out of love, take some time to heal and then get back on the horse. Dont ever make the same mistake of riding the same one that threw you the first time.

To love is to risk rejection; to live is to risk dying, to hope is to risk failure. But risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is risking nothing. To reach for another is to risk involvement, to expose your feelings is to expose true self; to love is to risk not to be loved in return.

Love indeed is a Lifetime Venture of Learning

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Is There a Power Of Love?

When you think of your past love, you may view it as a failure. But when you find a new love, you view the past as a teacher. In the game of love, it really doesnt matter who won or who lost. What is important is you know when to hold on and when to let go.

You know you really love someone when you want him or her to be happy, even if his or her happiness means that your not a part of it. Everything happens for the best. If the person you love doesn't love you back, dont be afraid to love someone else again, for you'll never know unless you give it a try. You'll never love a person unless you risk for love.

Love strives in hurting. If you don't get hurt, you dont learn how to love. Love doesnt hurt all the time, though the hurting is still there to test you and help you grow.

Don't find love, let love find you. That is why it is called falling in love because you dont force yourself to fall. You just fall. You cannot finish a book without closing its chapters. If you want to go on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages.

RememberDon't find love, let love find you. If you eventually Fall in Love, yaybe you may find Love, to be a Lifetime Venture of Learning, discovering and growing.

Digital Skills Shortage - The EU Challange

ICT Skill Shortage
ICT Skill shortage (confused?)
It has been reported that ONLY half of the European Labour Force have quality and sufficient Information Technology (IT) Skills. This shortage of relevant IT skills hampers many in their ability to find new jobs, change current Jobs or even start their own business.

According to the European Union's Annual "Digital Agenda Scoreboard", only about 43% of the EU population have a "confident" level skill in IT - (between Medium or High Internet Skills).

Thus almost half of the EU Labour force are not confident of themselves in the area of their Computer and/or Internet (Navigation/use) skills. About 25% of the ready workforce have no relevant IT Skills at all.

The reports also estimates that the ICT sector vacancies would reach a mind-blowing record number of 700,000 spaces by 2015.

This is therefore an urgent call to all relevant Authorities to act Now, so that school leavers and job seeker would be given the needed training to enable them compete with others in the ICT Industries.

Digital Agenda: Annual scoreboard confirms need for structural economic reform across Europe and surplus of ICT jobs; big trend towards Mobile Services and Technology

Read the full European Union Annual "Digital Agenda Scoreboard" Press Release.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Worst Designed Websites of 2012

It amazes me sometimes when I see or visit most websites, some of which you can get lost in the confused state at which you may end up finding yourself.

Some you may be forced to call for help in order to run out of their websites. Now I ask myself, what is the purpose of having a website if you will end up confusing your website visitors?

The answer they say lies in the heart of the visitor in this case who is also the beholder. Yes am taking the old adage and transforming it. They say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, so probably the Website Designer has an eye problem, so he might not even notice the beauty or maybe your Computer is having a nut out of place.

That said, I would like to ask you my Visitor (hopefully not Confused) to please nominate the Websites which you (truthfully) will would be crowned the Worst Designed Website 2012. Also it would be helpful if you give us a little note on why you think that the site should be in that category.

If your website is nominated, please hold on for Us, you will surely receive an Award from LifeGemz!!!!

Now lets get the hall set and relax as the music is cued....

Which websites do you think are the Worst designed Websites and why?